Anglican High School Alumni Association
The AHS Alumni Association is a very important part of our AHS family. As a valued partner of our school, our Alumni Association's vision is to serve our alumni and support our school in its programmes and development.
Our Involvement in School Events:
- AHS Family Fiesta/
- Moo Soon Chong Student Leadership Award
- Alumni Movie Screening
- Sec 3 Career Day
- Mid-Year Staff Seminar
- Food Donation Drive for Changi General Hospital Healthcare Workers
- Partnering with the Crisis Relief Alliance
- Partners’ Day Tree planting Ceremony for National Day Celebration
- Teachers’ Day Celebration
During the AHS Family Fiesta in 2019, our Alumni Association organised a lunch for our teachers and alumni. It was a good time of catching up and bonding with one another. We also sponsored a booth to provide free ice-cream for our fiesta participants.
The Moo Soon Chong Student Leadership Award was set up and managed by our Alumni Association as part of our efforts to support our school's leadership framework. For the first time, this award was given out during our school's Founders’ Day in 2019 to deserving students leaders. In 2020, we look forward to have our awardees interact with Mrs Moo online to share the spirit of leadership, resilience and sportsmanship embodied by this award.
Also for the first time in 2019, our Alumni Association organised a movie screening event at the Tower Hall for our alumni and their family members. We were happy to have participants from different age groups, who came to know about our event through publicity on our social media platforms and school announcements.
Our representatives, Mr Wee Soon Keong and Mr Joseph Eio Wee Hiong, had the opportunity to share their experiences with our students at the Sec 3 Career Day in 2019. Mr Wee also hosted the Sec 1 students for 'Bring Your Child to Work Day', and was invited to be part of the panel of alumni to share their learning and work experiences at the Mid-Year Staff Seminar. In 2020, Mr Joseph Eio Wee Hiong shared his experience of working in the social service sector via an online video. We look forward to involving more alumni to share their work experiences in 2021.
In March 2020, we partnered our school in a Food Donation Drive to encourage and support healthcare workers at the Changi General Hospital in their fight against COVID-19. In May, we partnered the Crisis Relief Alliance to deliver essentials and food to bless and bring cheer to our migrant workers during this difficult time.
As a valued partner of our school, we were invited to the annual Partners’ Day Tree Planting Ceremony, which was in conjunction with the National Day celebration.
We also had a generous alumnus who sponsored gifts for all our school staff as part of our Teachers' Day 2020 celebrations. This is in line with our alumni's culture of honouring and appreciating our teachers for their hard work and dedication for our students.
Update for our AHS Alumni Association Constitution in 2020
Our Alumni Association held our Annual General Meeting (AGM) online this year. This online AGM was unprecedented due to COVID-19. We are pleased to announce that all graduates below the age of 21 years old can now join our Alumni Association as an Associate Member free-of-charge. This was a part of the constitution change approved at our AGM.
To apply for our Alumni Association membership, please click on this link.
You may also wish to access our Alumni Association website, Facebook page and Instagram for more information.
Alumni Association website